That Witch Podcast
A show for modern witches and mystics of all levels and backgrounds! Learn about witchcraft, astrology, and spirituality in a FUN, casual atmosphere, and how to actually apply it to your life, career, relationships, and personal growth. This is real magick for real life.
That Witch Podcast
169 Common Fears in Witchcraft & How to Face Them
Am I doing it wrong? Is it dangerous? Did I mess something up? Do I have bad karma? Did someone try to curse me?
If you’ve asked any of these questions and more, you are sooo not alone my friend. There are tons of normal fears and doubts that arise for beginner AND experienced practitioners alike. And today on That Witch Podcast I want to offer you some reassurance, some advice, and some truth for working through fear, anxiety, and insecurity in your witchcraft practice. Listen on your favorite app or watch on my YouTube channel, and make sure to subscribe for more 🔔✨
|| W O R K W I T H M E 1 : 1 ||
Hey neighbor - like what you’re hearing on Moonday? Really love the way I break down astrology? Sounds like we’d be a good fit to work together 😎👇🏻
Birth Chart Reading
Tutoring Session
Synastry (Two-Chart) Reading
Shadow Work Session
|| T H E N E I G H B O R H O O D ||
Monthly Membership: That Witch School
YouTube: That Witch Next Door
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Pinterest: @thatwitchdani
Twitter: @danithatwitch
Contact: thatwitchnextdoor.com/conjurethatwitch