That Witch Podcast
A show for modern witches and mystics of all levels and backgrounds! Learn about witchcraft, astrology, and spirituality in a FUN, casual atmosphere, and how to actually apply it to your life, career, relationships, and personal growth. This is real magick for real life.
That Witch Podcast
153 Using Art for Magick and Magick for Art with Mary Muse
Both the term ‘art’ and the term ‘magick’ are broad af. How does one truly describe what art is? Or magick for that matter? At least one thing is for sure: each are practices that combine mind, body, and soul. And both of them are heavily dependent on perspective and POV. But I also believe both are defined all too often by their final result, rather than the colorful, messy, and usually beautifully infuriating journey leading there. This is the real art, the real magick. And whewwww is it powerful when you work with these energies/concepts together.
Today on That Witch Podcast, I invite you to join me for a profound exploration of Art Magick with my dear friend, colleague, and client, Mary Muse, who has worked in so many different mediums of the arts both inside and outside of her spiritual practice over the years.
In this episode we mention:
The Artist's Way book by Julia Cameron
Makeup artist, Meicrosoft
Rapper, witch, & artist, Qveen Herby
Follow Mary Muse on Instagram @makingmaryxoxo, on TikTok @marymusexoxo, and connect with her directly on Mighty Networks in That Witch School!
→ There’s still time to join Mary and I for this month’s tarot circle! Bring your tarot cards, your journal, and come set some intentions with us while hanging out with other awesome witches just like you. Enroll as a Full-Time Student in That Witch School today for just $30 per month.
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Contact: thatwitchnextdoor.com/conjurethatwitch