That Witch Podcast
A show for modern witches and mystics of all levels and backgrounds! Learn about witchcraft, astrology, and spirituality in a FUN, casual atmosphere, and how to actually apply it to your life, career, relationships, and personal growth. This is real magick for real life.
That Witch Podcast
Moonday Musings: What’s a Cazimi & How To Work With It
This week we are wrapping up Taurus season strong with some powerful aspects in astrology known as “cazimis” —AKA a planetary conjunction with the sun. Whenever another planet aligns with the sun in the same zodiac sign, you’ll often hear about the magick and potential associated with that day, but often in a way that makes it seem like there’s this fleeting opportunity to grab onto, and that you might miss it if you’re not paying attention!
Today on Moonday Musings we’re going to talk about both the Uranus Cazimi and the Jupiter Cazimi happening this week, and how you can work with your mindset to let off the pressure, and be open and present for this surge of cosmic illumination and sacred clarity.
In this episode I mention:
-What Is A Cazimi In Astrology? by Chani Nicholas
-Monthly Tarot Circles (and soooo much more) for Full-Time Students in That Witch School. Enroll for just $30/month today and join us for our May Tarot Circle next week!
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