That Witch Podcast
A show for modern witches and mystics of all levels and backgrounds! Learn about witchcraft, astrology, and spirituality in a FUN, casual atmosphere, and how to actually apply it to your life, career, relationships, and personal growth. This is real magick for real life.
That Witch Podcast
Moonday Musings: The Void of Course Moon & Your Magick
This week on Tuesday-Wednesday we have a 33-hour long void of course moon ☁️🌜💤 But if you’ve never heard of this before, you’re probably saying, “uh what now..?” So today on Moonday Musings we’re going to talk about what it means to be under a void of course moon in astrology, what to be on the lookout for, some common misconceptions in the astrological community, and what a void of course moon means for you and your magick.
In this episode I mention:
Astrology Hub article
AstroSeek's Void Moon Table
Sasha @ThePaganHomemaker
We have officially hit HALF A MILLION downloads!
Thank you so much for being a part of our magickal neighborhood here, I am beyond grateful for every single one of you. You have no idea how much it means to me every time you hit the ‘play’ button on one of my episodes, you are helping me live my dream to give other witches and mystics access to down-to-earth, practical advice and education for witchcraft, astrology, and modern spiritual living 💫
Let’s celebrate together—share a favorite episode of That Witch Podcast to your Instagram Stories and tag me @thatwitch.nextdoor so I can thank you personally!
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Twitter: @danithatwitch
Contact: thatwitchnextdoor.com/conjurethatwitch