That Witch Podcast

Moonday Musings Week of 1/15-1/21: Pluto Moves Into Aquarius & How To Proceed

That Witch Next Door Season 5

We’re getting up to a couple of things in this episode. For one thing, we need to chat about this Pluto in Aquarius business because you are sure to see it talked about everywhere. Aquarius season is arriving, and this year it is joined by a massive Plutonian—therefore generational—shift.

And finally, I'm giving you homework. Yep. Because late Monday evening the Moon will move into Aries, beginning a new cycle in the zodiac this week. And this aligns so damn ✨divinely✨ with exactly what I’m teaching to my students in Level 01 of the I Can Read My Astrology program right now! So I am inviting you to join us in our group exercise and follow along on your own.

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