That Witch Podcast

144 Capricorn New Moon Shadow Chats with Ashley Michelle

Season 5 Episode 11

2024 is here and the Capricorn New Moon is on its way to help you feel like you finally have your shit together. On this month's Shadow Chats episode, Ashley Michelle and I are breaking down the astrology forecast for this new moon, giving our tips for your magickal rituals, and helping you get the most out of the first new moon of the year.

If you love hanging out with us for the Shadow Chats episode on That Witch Podcast every new moon, you are going to LOVE our new Astrology After Dark segment over on Ashley‘s podcast, The Goddess Complex ✨🖤

This is an all new series where we gab all things pop culture astrology together, and let me tell you- it is a BLAST, dude. We’ll laugh together, dive deep, get real af, and help you learn astrology without even realizing it because you’re having so much fun.

Listen now to our most recent Astrology After Dark episode on Jim Carrey 🎭

|| S T A R S E E D S H A D O W S ||
Podcast: The Goddess Complex
Instagram: @starseedshadows
TikTok: @starseedshadows
Facebook: @starseedshadows
Youtube: @starseedshadows

|| T H E  N E I G H B O R H O O D ||
YouTube: That Witch Next Door
Instagram: @thatwitch.nextdoor
TikTok: @thatwitch.nextdoor
Pinterest: @thatwitchdani
Twitter: @danithatwitch

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