That Witch Podcast

139 A Very Paranormal Scorpio Shadow Chats with Ashley Michelle

That Witch Next Door Season 5 Episode 7

On today’s Scorpio New Moon Shadow Chats, Ashley Michelle of StarSeedShadows and I will be leaning heavy into the dark occult realms of Scorpio’s energy and talking about our beliefs, our experiences, and our insight when it comes to spirits, poltergeists, demons, possession, and how we respond to common fears and misconceptions. Get ready to take your power back!

I am SO damn honored to be a part of an all new series on The Goddess Complex with our favorite Shadow Chats babe, Ashley Michelle. Welcome to Astrology After Dark. Our first episode explores the birth chart of, none other, than the true queen of pop herself, Britney Spears ✨ Give it a listen over on The Goddess Complex podcast.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, do you want to come over and make a pot of tea? Bring your favorite crystals. You know we could talk about our birth charts, spirits, the latest house spells we've been doing. Welcome to the neighborhood. I'm that witch next door. ["witch Neighbor"]. Hello neighbor, welcome back to another episode of that witch podcast. Welcome back to another very shadowy shadow chats with the lovely Ashley Michelle of Starseed Shadows.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello, so happy to be here. It's our season.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is, that's what I was going to say. It's our time, our time shines.

Speaker 2:

I have, like later months, my favorite time of the year.

Speaker 1:

Same, 100%. I get like a little sad after October's over and it takes like 24 hours, because then I'm like I love the next like three months. Yeah, yeah, honestly, I love it. I'm excited for today, ash, because today we're gonna talk about everybody the upcoming Scorpio New Moon, which is going to be on Monday. Y'all are gonna hear this on Friday and you got a few days to prepare. Obviously, on shadow chats, if you've been around for a while, we talk about, you know the shadowy side and characteristics of the sign of whatever that new moon is in. Today, though, when we're talking about shadowy, dark themes of Scorpio, I wanna go somewhere really specific today and I wanna talk to you about some occult and paranormal and spirit stuff today, ash.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I'm very excited. This is a surprise for Ashlee. I didn't tell her anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't know. I love it, though I'm very excited. So a little backstory. For the past couple of months I, when I go to listen to a podcast for entertainment, you know what I mean Like a brain break podcast for funsies. This is hear the Scorpio in me. I have fallen in love with the podcast called the Dark Paranormal Okay, and it is a very popular podcast that I only stumbled upon to recently, this summer, and I instantly became obsessed. There's like 13 or 14 seasons already and it's a top listen to podcast. It's not just ghost stories, it's not just paranormal stories. We can find those everywhere. This is the dark side of the paranormal. These are people's stories with malignant entities and possession and demons and lower level energy beings. But keep in mind, this is not a witchcraft podcast. This is not. You know, it's not hosted by. This is hosted by-.

Speaker 2:

It's hosted by the Muggles.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, very well, respecting Muggles, who definitely believe in the paranormal, have a lot of respect for it. That's one of the reasons I like this show is he specifically every single episode, talks about leaving your disbelief at the door. Like, at least for this one episode, set your disbelief aside and step into this story, and that's one thing I really really like about it.

Speaker 1:

But it gets me as a witch and a spiritualist like this gets different gears going for me when, I listen to these episodes because the stories come from Muggles most of the time, and most of the stories start out with you know, I grew up and either people have had some experiences with ghosts. Some people have seen dark entities their whole life. Some people talk about this came out of nowhere, but it's not anybody who's thoroughly educated themselves in this episode okay At all at all, but it gets me thinking and wondering all the time and I want to ask you your experiences, your opinions and your thoughts about some of these today, ash.

Speaker 2:

Okay, are you open?

Speaker 1:

and willing.

Speaker 2:

I am so open and willing. Let's talk about it, let's dig in, I'm here.

Speaker 1:

I am so excited, first and foremost, especially someone of your background. You come from a religious background. You are a star seed and a witch. You help people step into their light. Worker right. What is a demon for you? And did that definition morph over time?

Speaker 2:

This is good. This is good, okay, okay. So I'm going to start with the second half of that question. It definitely my definition of a demon definitely morphed over time. So, growing up as a Jehovah's Witness, witnesses don't believe in hell. They believe that the devil is kind of running a muck among earth, right, okay? So my connection and they don't believe really in demons either, so my connection to demonic entities and entities in different dimensions that could cause harm has really really shifted. Now, as I got older and started learning more about spiritual work and learning more about working in different dimensions and having my own experiences with ghosts and things of that nature, I obviously realized that there was more to this earth than what we see in the 3D.

Speaker 2:

As far do I believe in demons. I believe that people have a hard time crossing over. I believe that ghosts are real. I've seen my fair share of ghosts in my life and felt my fair share of dark entities. I'll say, in certain scenarios Rochester is filled with history Underground Railroad, whole nine. So there are tons of locations in Rochester where you can just feel the energy shift. That's the best way to say it. I have been somebody that's gone through sleep paralysis, which can be really fucking frightening.

Speaker 2:

Now, as far as demons go, I guess my current definition is first of all, I think it's important for us to understand that we can't be hurt I think that is what needs to be said by negative entities with mal intent poultry guys, any of that sort of stuff unless we're allowing that in it's kind of where I'm at with it right and we're allowing that worry, fear and doubt, that fear mongering mentality in. I guess to answer your question directly, because I know I'm being long winded Do I believe there's a bunch of henchmen that work for the devil? No, do I believe that there are lots of aliens that can be misinterpreted for demons? Yeah, I think a lot of folks have been in contact with the Greys specifically, and they get fucking scared, and rightfully so.

Speaker 2:

Same thing with angelic beings, right, angelic beings don't necessarily look like what we see on Disney Channel. So when you are somebody who is a seer, and especially if you aren't aware that you're a seer, coming in contact with some of these entities from other realms can be really jarring and you may think you're seeing a demon, but I'm not really sure that that's what's happening. Do I think that there are entities in other dimensions that want to fuck with you. Sure Do. I think that they're the definition of demons as we identify demons today. My jury's still out on that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I agree with so, so much of what you're saying. My definition definitely has morphed over time 100%. One of the most helpful things for me in learning about this stuff yeah, and expanding my awareness of it is also allowing my definition and concept of good and bad or good and evil to also expand. We exactly that's a huge part of it. It's a huge part of it because we draw this hard line in the sand.

Speaker 2:

There's a huge hard line in the sand and it's a also bring this out there. I think there are more like demons in the human experience than there are in like the multi dimensional experience.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. I agree.

Speaker 2:

Like there are humans walking around here that I would consider demonic, versus like I've been working for the devil.

Speaker 1:

So what is your understanding of poltergeist energy, for example? How have you learned what a poltergeist?

Speaker 2:

is yeah, besides from the movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, besides.

Speaker 2:

My understanding is a poltergeist is essentially chaotic energy. It's a frustrated soul that is stuck, that maybe even beat, is held captive in a home, in a specific space. They can't move, they can't get out of it, so they destruct, and that is my basic understanding of poltergeist.

Speaker 1:

So that is my base and then what I was taught on top of that, or offered, that's a better word. Another layer to add on top of that I was often many years ago was poltergeist are often, more often than not, is the words that were used for me. A medium I was working with and learning from that used to come into my shop and they let me know that more often than not, a poltergeist is that energy that you just described. That manifests very often from cumulative negative energy.

Speaker 2:

That would make sense, hence why it's so in your face when you have an experience of the poltergeist. That would make sense.

Speaker 1:

It reminds me and has always. I remember when they told me this and ever since then, what it just like freely, even more strongly connects into is my understanding of the need for shadow work and what the shadow actually is and what the shadow does when it is being avoided, when it is being suppressed, when it when it isn't being integrated. And I wonder if the longer that goes on, if that's when we find cumulative negative energy that can manifest into malignant energy or or trickster energy like like a poltergeist.

Speaker 1:

Now, speaking of shadow, another question I have that I want to ask you to connect all this as well as you do all this work in the Akashic records. So before you answer the actual question I'm going to give you, just for anybody that's not here first give them a little basic understanding of what the records are and then tell us. I know that you've seen shadow figures and people's records before and you had to learn about this from what you've witnessed and working with this. But I also know that as readers and as spiritual educators, we have to describe the complexity and nuance of shadow being, because it is that that term is received in a very specific way. We agree.

Speaker 1:

People draw very specific picture. So what are the records? Just for anybody that doesn't know what the Akashic records are and what would you Say? A shadow being is, or could be, maybe.

Speaker 2:

OK, I love these questions, danny.

Speaker 1:

I thought came to me.

Speaker 2:

I? Well, the Akashic records and it's the most simplistic answer is a record of time, of any and every living being period, right? So we all have Akashic records. We all have a record of time. The best way I love to describe it is in the show the Magicians, which you can catch on Netflix Great show, by the way.

Speaker 2:

The library that's the Akashic records and the Guardians of the library are your guardians of the records. So it said that we each have two main squeezes in our records to main guardians that help us, and so, inside of our records, we are offered this opportunity to explore past, present, future lives, right, other lives and other life times that we've lived. If we do have star seed lineage, being able to reconnect with that ancestral lineage that needs to come out and come through. We are able to consult our records about questions we have, decisions that we need to make, decisions that we should have made. You know, residual trauma that we've gone through or anybody in our, our lifeline right that have gone through, because often times, I don't want to say we're products of our environment, but I want to say it because really what I'm getting at is we often play out the trauma of the people that came before us, so it might not be that I've gone through some intense.

Speaker 1:

We repeatedly know, even if it's subconscious.

Speaker 2:

Even if it's subconscious, exactly, and it also stays in our bloodline, right, Right, exactly. I may not have gone through something super traumatic, but maybe my great, great great grandmother went through this crazy traumatic event. Let's say I'm afraid of water. I always have been afraid of water. Don't know why I'm afraid of water. I can't stand being in water. I will nothing to do with water. I'm lucky if I shower, right? An extreme example.

Speaker 2:

But for example's sake, we go to the records. I ask my records why do I have this fear of water? And come to find out my great, great, great grandmother, twice removed, even had a horrible drowning accident in water or something like that. So this is just one example of how the records can give us some clarity on so many parts of us that we didn't know was there. Now, as far as shadow being goes, I'm literally envisioning an onion right now because there's so many places we could go Now inside of the records. Whenever shadow beings are coming through, in my personal experience they have been past loved ones, they have been the guardian of that person's records and they have also been galactic beings that are trying to come through.

Speaker 1:

This is why I asked you this, by the way, because I wanna help dispel that immediate picture that comes through that in shadow equals evil, malignant being.

Speaker 2:

Right, no, no, no, I haven't come across any evil being and I've come across a ton of shadow beings in my work Over the like 15 years I've been doing this work and even when I wasn't doing this work, but just a wee little baby and just pants are rising, just exploded and way too sensitive and like people were coming through like hot cakes. I think what feared me the most was seeing people that I saw alive die and then see them after they were dead and like in my living room and I'm like holy fucking cannoli, you know what I like? That's crazy, you know, just being young. But as far as shadow beings go in my work, I haven't had negative experiences with them.

Speaker 2:

I'm also not calling for that, and I think it's important to make it known what we call for is really important on these topics. If you're calling for a demonic experience, you're going to get a demonic experience, you know if you're calling for that. That's why you know, in the witch community there's all this taboo around using Ouija boards, right, and so it's kind of like what are we calling in? What experience are we calling in? I think this conversation goes right back to the idea that we are the alchemists here. We are the magicians, so we control the experience, and I think it's just really important to remember that we control the experience.

Speaker 2:

So I don't subscribe to this idea that, like we can be hurt in the 3D based off something that's happening in a different dimension or an experience that's happening that may be really unpleasant. Right, there's probably some sort of learning lesson that needs to happen there, or maybe we are misinterpreting. Our 3D eyes are not going to be the same as our 5D eyes, or 60 eyes, or 8D eyes, or 4D eyes or a Cautious eyes. They're not going to interpret the same. That's why, when you're having a true experience with an archangel and you're seeing this archangel, you know manifest itself, you're probably going to be scared shitless, but you know they don't mean any harm.

Speaker 1:

If you look up some people's experiences with seeing angelic beings, it's intense as fuck. Christina, let me just it's not literal sunshine and rainbows.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. It's nothing like what we thought right?

Speaker 1:

No, because it's inhuman and that's not in a bad way.

Speaker 2:

I don't mean that in a bad way.

Speaker 1:

But I think this idea of creating in God's image takes a literal, like hard literal interpretation. I must look like God, whatever God looks like. You know what I mean? Right, and I think it's more of a metaphor of a reverent we are part of divine.

Speaker 2:

We are a fractal of spirit that's in God's image to me, and also, too, it goes back to what you were saying we only know what we know, so we don't have anything to compare it to. Exactly, exactly, so like if we're only seeing humans all 20, 30, 40, 50 years of our life, and then something inhuman comes around, we're going to and not. It doesn't look like any animal we've seen.

Speaker 1:

Right, not dessert, Not dessert yeah yeah, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

It's going to look a little wild. I think about that crazy ass looking jack-o-lantern fish that they found some years ago in the depths of the ocean Like going to nerd out a little bit here. But you know, they went hella fucking deep and found so many different species of animal or fish I should say that we didn't know existed. You know fish that can see without eyes, very alien sort of world. If you were sitting in your living room and you had a dream about this animal, you would think you saw a monster.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a great point, you would think you saw a monster, until you saw this animal on the Discovery Channel and you saw people talking about an NPR and you're like, oh, it's a new species that they haven't found yet. Yes, yes, you know. So it's all about us recognizing how deep our conditioning truly goes, even in the realm of spirituality, witchcraft and the occult. I agree.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

So I believe that life, the concept of life, the energy of life, is this force of evolution, always growing, always evolving. I believe that beings of this universe and that's a big fucking umbrella when I say that, let that be a big umbrella I believe that beings of this universe are naturally attracted to that force. I think that we're naturally predispositioned for that. I think that applies to any dimension that you are part of and that which seems or is more thriving than you, or growing more than you, or right. We're attracted to those things. You can see micro examples of that in our very dimension. Look at fucking influencers.

Speaker 2:

Why do you?

Speaker 1:

think people are so drawn to this. You're drawn to this, what you're defining as a higher way of life. There's a goal there, there's something that you're drawn to. I think that lower level beings are drawn to higher level beings. I think that's a very natural course. I think that this is where and how beings want to attach themselves to another being.

Speaker 1:

I do think it's possible and I do think that it happens, but I agree with you that there is some sort of allowing or permission in our behavior or our thoughts, our energy that let the connection really form. I also believe it is way fucking easier to remove that attachment than we're taught. That's my next question for you is I know in your line of work how often you have gotten people over the years that are like I'm afraid that if I start reading tarot, I'm afraid that if I start doing X, y and Z, I'm opening a door, I'm opening myself up. What if something attaches to me? What if somebody curses me? What if something tries to possess me? What is your advice for that? Now, I get that question a lot, even.

Speaker 2:

I do too, not to be in a courierous mood about it, but stop being silly, girl. That's my response. You know what I mean. That's my response.

Speaker 2:

Tarot is an age-old form of divination. Astrology is to, pendulum work is to crystal work is to. I think what you're getting at is this misinformed way of looking at witchcraft and spirituality that still permeates throughout the whole world. I think what our job is as spiritual teachers, dare I say spiritual influencers is to help people recognize that witchcraft, domination, spell work, ritual work, magic can all and should all be used as a tool for personal development and exploration. That's really what it comes down to. If you want to go to, say, on cis and you want to pull out the Ouija boards, this is about you get what you asked for. That goes right back to what I was saying. If you respect the craft, the craft will respect you.

Speaker 2:

Are you using your tarot to spy on people? You know what I mean. Because you shouldn't be. I should probably elaborate more on that Tarot. We really shouldn't be using it to spy on people. So if somebody comes and sits with me and they're like I want to know my ex-boyfriend is dating somebody else, we're not really going to go there. We can talk about how you can let go of your ex-boyfriend, since that's your ex-boyfriend, but I just think that people need to recognize that nothing is going to attach to you that you don't want. If you feel like you caught something or something is attached to you, we let it go.

Speaker 2:

This goes back to finding your power. You are the magician, you are the alchemist here. You are in full control, and we have been taught for so long that we are not and this is just a great example I can't do anything. This demon is attached to me and now it's stuck with me, and now I just can't do anything about it. I'm helpless. You are not the victim.

Speaker 2:

And I think when we are really, truly in our power around this work, this ancient, ancient work, we begin to recognize here that we are not the victim and we can play in the matrix with all sorts of entities and allow them to go their way while we go our way. And let's also not forget, this is a prime example of what protection magic is for Right. Are you protecting your space? Before I move into any home, I grid the fuck out of it. The fuck out of it All the windows. I get my cascaria, all the walls, the doors, everything, or even move into that home. It is gridded, and so are you working your magic in a way that makes sense, especially if you're someone that has worries about that sort of thing.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. This is exactly the direction I wanted to go in. It's easy to form attachments. That part's not wrong, but it's also not as evil and terrifying as we're led to believe that that is, and we are also not helpless.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

One thing that I've been teaching for a long time. One of the first things I started doing for people when I made spirituality part of my career was cord cuttings and you could book. I used to do like custom spell work for people and I would do cord cuttings and I found myself being like I just want to teach people. This is so easy what I'm doing, right.

Speaker 1:

And anybody can do it, exactly you don't need to go to a person If you want like to call in your support and you want to do this with a couple of your fucking witches, I'm not. That's awesome. I'm not talking about that. I'm saying that you, you are not, helpless though we are. I tell people all the time we are forming these attachments. All the time, without realizing it, I form in my own relationship and marriage right now, I form unhealthy attachments.

Speaker 1:

This is why we do shadow work. This is why we do reflective, introspective work.

Speaker 2:

Or like codependent attachment. That's what I'm talking about, exactly that's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

We go through those phases all the time and the different connections in our life.

Speaker 1:

If you have a connection, you form attachments, some of those are really healthy and some of them are really helpful in support of and stabilizing. But even within that same relationship, some of them are unhealthy, stagnant, holding one or both of you back. And this is what I love about cord cuttings they're purifiers and cleansing rituals for relationships. In my opinion, You're not always saying goodbye to that person, but you are saying goodbye to old parts of your relationship. You're saying goodbye to old versions of yourself that was contributing to that connection in a certain way. Yeah, and I think that those attachments I think that number one a lot of things that attach onto ourselves are labeled demons.

Speaker 1:

When most stuff and not Exactly.

Speaker 2:

That was really what I was getting at Exactly. Everybody's so quick to label it a demon. What is like? Are you the demon?

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm getting at Exactly where I was going. That's why I connected the shadow and this family history and lineage, because I really, really believe that when we have little spiritual signs jumping out or even poking and prodding at us from our environment, I think they are things calling our attention. I think that we are supposed to do a sweep and a cleansing and a reevaluating of our life and like what are we shedding and moving into? If we are an earth and a universe, well, we're an earth, part of the universe, based on cycles, constant cycles. This would naturally go hand in hand that we're constantly picking things up as we go and naturally we have to constantly be letting things go. They're not all demons trying to attach to your soul and murder you from the inside out. It's just such a harsh, it's such a dramatic and I don't mean dramatic to make anyone feel bad, but I mean it doesn't have to be dramatic. You can take a breath, you can take a breath of release.

Speaker 2:

You can take a breath and see what's going on and maybe just do a little bit of shadow work Exactly and really understand what's happening here.

Speaker 1:

If we all have that inner teenager, think about yourself when you were a teenager and the shit you would do and say and think when you were mad. If we all have an inner teenager and they have their own shadows. What do you think our little snotty, little sassy ways that that past version of our self might try and get?

Speaker 2:

our attention. Love to come in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it might look like a spirit fucking with us, huh.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, when it really is just a past version of you, a spirit fucking with you. Yeah, exactly, yes. So now I totally agree.

Speaker 1:

This is why I was so glad you brought up protection work, because I think one of the main things I want to kind of leave everybody with today is this work and information is fun and you can explore it, and it's fascinating, and there's a way to do it responsibly and and safely. And so, Ash, I think that one thing you and I find way too often than we should and I'm talking to you, neighbor is the amount of you not doing your fucking grounding, your cleansing and your protecting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's fact, that's fact. I cannot express enough how important it is to lock in to Pachamama and ground and really get rooted in connection with her and connection with yourself and centering. I can't say that enough Because we're emotional, we're spiritual beings having a human existence and we are affected by so much and there are, especially in this age of Aquarius, with all this technology being thrown at us and squirrel brain, squirrel brain everywhere, and there's so much to ingest and you got partners doing this and your kids need that and a bill is due and all this stuff happening. So much of your spiritual practice is about coming back to self, coming back to center, coming back to soul, and we need to be doing that, even if it's just for a couple minutes a day, thank you, and it's a couple of few short breaths.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for also echoing how simple yet effective it can be when people are like I don't have time for my ritual work. I'm like I didn't fucking say that you had to make a ritual out of that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we don't have to go and put on like literally if you don't have to go and put on a whole red robe and find white candles and an edge. You don't have to do all that. You know, if you have time for amazing, but like if you only have time for three deep breaths, then take your three breath Boom.

Speaker 2:

That's it Exactly Make them intentional pause, whatever you're doing, and it's like you would be shocked that people would be so shocked at like how effective that is I know, stop, I know, but it's not the flashy fancy answer, right. Right, which, again, I mean you could do that if you want. It's great. Like rituals, fantastic. Do ritual, Sure, you know, if you don't have time for ritual, these are easy ways to reconnect.

Speaker 1:

Right. This is why, time and time and time again, in most of the work that I do, I find that the role I'm serving for somebody is I'm being a helpful reminder of that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, did you do that?

Speaker 1:

today, because I had to, ash, and I had to learn to build that habit too. We were programmed by this earth and society just as much as you were. We didn't know we had to do that, we were learning when it needs to be ticked up and when we can bring it back down. Yes.

Speaker 2:

There's going to be moments in your life where you have to do more grounding for whatever reason. Oh fuck, yeah, you know there could be more stressors happening in your life, more things going on, and it's our job as spiritual folks to be self-aware enough to know when we need to uptake our self-care in the form of grounding, meditation, centering, protection, magic, even to make sure that we're the best versions of ourselves, that we can be in that way, that moment.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Honestly, a non-spiritual, kind of non-denominational way to describe what we're talking about grounding and cleansing and protecting. Grounding is exactly centering, stabilizing, getting present again. I mean you literally learn grounding techniques in therapy, in mental health work, right yeah, cleansing is that process of shedding what can I release right now? And protection is boundary work, my friend, that's all that it is. It's your boundaries. When was the last time you stated your fucking boundaries to people outside of you and to yourself? Because, just like we said, you're the shadow a lot.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're the person disrespecting your boundaries, sometimes most of the time.

Speaker 2:

Right, so true. I couldn't have said it better myself. Exactly.

Speaker 1:

This is why I wanted to talk about this for Scorpio New Moon, because Scorpio energy, just like the nature of the occult, and the information of the occult is so fucking misunderstood and just branded dark, evil, bad, and I'm like. Dark doesn't equal bad or evil. It has nothing to do with that and this dark half of the year which we've just entered into this is a really excellent time.

Speaker 1:

I just think that so many people are called to this work and they're afraid of it. And when you're afraid of it, that right there and upfront, is this permission. Is this, here you go. You must have more power than I do. Other being right, you're just automatically showing up to the conversation that way. Exactly, I think that's why you and I are so confident when we talk about the spiritual hygiene basics.

Speaker 2:

Because you can't just.

Speaker 1:

It's not just about remembering to pause and breathe. You have to believe that it works. You have to know how easy and simple it is to connect at all times of your life. There is no time that you can't tap into that part of yourself, your power, your magic spirit, whatever and I just see so many people, so many too many people give that away and walk away from helpful practices that I think are calling them for a reason but they get afraid by the shadows that are already springing up around it.

Speaker 2:

And it's so true. You know, I couldn't agree more. I think Scorpio season has a lot to offer and again, new moons we bring up, full moons we release. So I think it would be a really good idea for our listeners to stop and think about what habits, specifically in the realm of protection, and also connecting their dark energy to themselves and not feeling so afraid of the dark and not feeling so afraid of what they think something is. And also, I know we're not in stag Susan yet, but can we be a little more inquisitive, like, if you're somebody that feels like you do have an attachment on you, ask your questions, learn about it. You know what I mean. Like, this is what it is.

Speaker 2:

And going back to I had a thought that I lost, but it came back to me when you said you have to believe it. Like that is like the fundamentals of magic and witchcraft believe All of it is rooted in belief. That's why we manifest, that's how we can manifest, right. That's how our shit works. My spells always work One of my favorite mantras and so you really need to believe that, right. And so, as far as attachments go, and demonic energy and poltergeist and ghosts and all of that I think it's really important to believe that we are living in a world that's not just three dimensional. We're living in a world filled with multi-dimensions. And I also think that we have to not be so arrogant and understand, like, why would something, someone, some being wanna come for a little old me when there's a whole bunch of other motherfuckers they could be fucking with? Like, if we're gonna get real about this, if a demonic entity really wanted to attach to somebody, would they wanna attach to me? Or would they wanna attach to some asshole with a whole bunch of motherfucking power who's already doing deep, dark underworld shit? So there's also that level of logic that we have to utilize here as well. You know what I mean. We are in a world that is changing drastically, and more and more people are coming to the light. They're understanding the importance of personal development through a spiritual lens, thank God, and so I hope and pray that any folks dealing with attachments are starting to understand that maybe they're not as bad as they think they are.

Speaker 2:

And one thing I wanna put out there I just finished Dolores Cannon's book, the Three Waves of Volunteers, and, for anybody who doesn't know, dolores Cannon was a very prominent hypnotherapist in the spiritual realm. She spoke to thousands and thousands of people specifically on star seeds and star seed work and alien work, ufo work, and she had recorded a number of people connecting with their alien ancestors, entities, family, talking about set attachments and a lot of attachments that people think they have that are negative are actually there for connection with their alien roots, and I'll let the people who are curious about that find the book look it up. But I found it to be super, super fascinating. When you all think of attachment or you think you have an attachment, I think it's your duty to fully understand what's going on before you immediately label it demonic, because there's still so much we don't know about what is actually going on, human and non-human.

Speaker 1:

Abs of fucking loop Beautifully said exactly. That's exactly what I was hoping this episode would do would be help pull out the courageous capacity a little bit. It's natural to feel fearful of this stuff. It's ingrained in us.

Speaker 1:

It's deeply to feel afraid of these things. Our lizard brain is like that which I do not know or can see. Danger will kill me. Avoid. It's natural. Fight or flight. Yeah, yes, and I love this idea of it's okay to get inquisitive. Be fucking responsible. Do your grounding and your cleansing and your protection. Don't I'm not saying leave that at the door. But when you've got that you can ask some questions, you can peel back those layers of the onion Because more often than not, exactly what's gonna happen is this shadowy quote demonic being is actually gonna take shape. It's gonna start making a lot more fucking sense, exactly.

Speaker 1:

A lot more sense it's just like a bad dream or a nightmare. When you peel at it, it reveals its true nature, and usually it wasn't so evil after all. I love it. I love it so so much, Ash. Before we get off, are you guys so excited for our next astrology after dark?

Speaker 2:

episode. I'm so excited for it. I can't wait to record it.

Speaker 1:

First of all, if you have not listened to our episode yet, smash the button in the show notes right now. Holy shit you need to go catch up before we move on, because you're never gonna wanna miss a single second of this new show, astrology after dark? No, we're doing a new segment over on Ashley's podcast on the Goddess Complex. I love it so much. It's this monthly little pop culture astrology little hangout that Ash and I are doing with each other.

Speaker 2:

We've been getting so much good feedback, so much I think. Somebody say that we should do Drew Barrymore, which I totally agree. I love that idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that'd be a great one. Ooh, I love that idea.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm excited about it and it's a great way to learn astrology. If you're just inquisitive about it, we are doing visuals. The visuals will be up on the YouTube so you can see the chart right along with us. It's a vibe and we have fun doing it Because we would be having a conversation anyway.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. We have so much to do before we record anyways, and this is. I've already had a couple of my students reach out and talk about how it's helpful for them already in their studies. So, exactly, yeah, exactly it's a helpful thing, but it's fun. I think we learn more when we're having fun anyways, and we have so many places that this segment is going so many.

Speaker 1:

You do not want to miss it literally at all. So make sure all the information's in the show notes. But before we go, ash, please tell all of our wonderful neighbors where we can find you, follow you and support you, my love.

Speaker 2:

So you can find me on Instagram at Ashley Michelle90day. You can find me on TikTok at StarseedShadows. The Goddess Complex podcast is my podcast. Go ahead and get on the email list If you want in. On Black Friday deals, we're doing half off all one-on-one sessions. Only time of the year I do this and yeah oh my God, this was such a good one.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for opening up about this with me. That was important, of course. All right loves. This was amazing, thank you. Thank you for spending your Friday with us. I hope that you have a beautiful rest of your weekend, a spooky fun, scorpio, new Moon, and make sure everybody stays safe. I hope you get to have some fun and stay magical out there. Did you get something valuable out of today's show? Here's how you can help continue to grow our magic. First, you can head over to Apple or Spotify and leave a five-star rating in review. You can also share a shout-out on your social media page and make sure you tag me at thatwitchnextdoor. And, of course, you can just tell a friend that you think would enjoy the show and send them a link to the episode. Thank you so much, neighbor, for your support. I'll see you next time.

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