That Witch Podcast

142 Sagittarius New Moon Shadow Chats with Ashley Michelle

That Witch Next Door Season 5 Episode 9

Our Sagittarius Queen, Ashley Michelle, is here to chat all about our upcoming Sagittarius New Moon—the final new moon of the year!

Not only is this the last new moon of 2023, it is almost immediately followed by the start of Mercury retrograde in Capricorn. But don’t go running scared just yet, neighbor, Ash and I are going to walk you through the astrological forecast for the new moon, tell you all about what Sagittarius is here to do, and how you can use Mercury retrograde to loosen up and roll with it.

If you love hanging out with us for the Shadow Chats episode on That Witch Podcast every new moon, you are going to LOVE our new Astrology After Dark segment over on Ashley‘s podcast, The Goddess Complex ✨🖤

This is an all new series where we gab all things pop culture astrology together, and let me tell you- it is a BLAST, dude. We’ll laugh together, dive deep, get real af, and help you learn astrology without even realizing it because you’re having so much fun.

Listen now to our most recent Astrology After Dark episode on Kim & Kourtney Kardashian 👀

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Speaker 1:

Hey, do you want to come over and make a pot of tea? Bring your favorite crystals. You know we could talk about our birth charts, spirits, the latest house spells we've been doing. Welcome to the neighborhood. I'm that witch next door. All right, hello, hello, happy Friday, welcome, neighbor, to another episode of that witch podcast. It is that time once again of the month. It's time for another new moon, which means it's time for another lovely sultry shadow chats with my wonderful co-host, ashley. How are you doing, my dear?

Speaker 2:

Hi, I am doing really really good. I'm energized.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you just had your your Sagittarius solar return? Are you in the pocket of Sag magic right now?

Speaker 2:

I think that might be what's going on. I don't know. I'm like, I'm pensive, I'm in a bucket of gratitude, I'm feeling really explorative with my business and my relationships. I just I'm thankful. 33 was beautiful. I feel like I'm like hitting this benchmark. You know, 34 is like officially mid 30s and it's just like I'm also excited to see, like what's next. Yes, like life has been so exciting lately, so what's what's happening next?

Speaker 1:

You know that is quintessential Sagittarius. What's next?

Speaker 3:

Next adventure, please. Where are we going? Yeah, that was fun. Let's do it again. It's like you, sagittarius?

Speaker 1:

is that energy that never gets like adventure, fatigue or travel for you? Yeah? Yeah. Just like ready for the next thing, and not not even in like an annoying way, in a really sadge inspires that and like evokes that feeling and everyone around them. I think I welcome that energy. You never scared. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure Ready.

Speaker 1:

So let's, let's start out so that everyone can check their chart if they like to. So we are getting into the Sagittarius new moon, which is coming up this Tuesday, 1212, which I just was like I like that a lot Well well being this number of endings and beginnings 12.

Speaker 1:

House Unconscious, the unseen plus it's 1212 and it's a new moon. So it's definitely that that unconscious. So this new moon and Sag is happening at 20 degrees of Sagittarius on Tuesday, the 12th, at 632 PM. Eastern time is when this is going to be exact. Now, my first question for you, Ash, is that early year, that day, the moon and Sagittarius, before coming together and merging with the sun, is going to form a trine, with Chiron retrograde in Aries right now, and I find that we get really, really. I think that most people make a point. Most astrologers that are really trying to like learn their chart make a point to learn about their Chiron. How would you advise people to read and and look at current? How do we work with current Chiron versus our needle? Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is why I I did a heavy sigh, because I feel like I've had so many conversations about current Chiron over the last year of 2023. This Chiron and Aries, Chiron and Aries, Chiron retrograde in Aries we are collectively working through issues around leadership. Can I say it louder for the people in the back? There are so many holes and problems with leadership right now and the collective is really starting to get it and really starting to do something about it and really starting to understand that the way that we view our world leaders and the way that we view our community leaders and our religious leaders and our spiritual leaders it's all being flipped on its head right now and I'm glad because this is how we create this new earth that we love to talk about, right, this idea of new earth and and what that means. And I think, in order to really embody what new earth means, we first have to start looking at leadership and where it is ineffective.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and I think that Chiron and Aries can get it has the passion that is needed to address exactly what you're talking about. Right Aries being this like other than Aquarius, aries is the other ultimate fighter of the underdog and the individual. Oh yeah, very, very much so, aries is vicious. Yes, and sometimes that's exactly where I wanted to go with this. Sometimes we lean a little more into the vindication part versus the actual progress and growth that we're looking for.

Speaker 2:

I would agree.

Speaker 1:

I would think this is where a new moon and sag forming a trine could be very, very beneficial and kind of kind of bringing some of that ability to zoom out to a wider perspective.

Speaker 2:

I mean, Sag is not a pro about Right, and you know, like, out of the three fire signs, sag has this Genesee Qua, this like maturity, with that fire energy that Aries I'm not I was going to say that Aries wants to have. I don't think so. I don't think Aries gives a fuck and I think that's why Sag needs to come in and can be like hey, babe, there's one more way to, there's more than one way to get to gold, you know, but you don't have to be so. Yes, yes, and I would agree with you and I think it's a beautiful new moon to have, as we also close out the year and come into next year, still working with Chiron and Aries themes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we're smack dab in the middle of that journey yeah. Chiron's going to be there for a minute, ah, hot second.

Speaker 2:

And so it does make me wonder, speaking of what's next. What is next when we're dealing with the wounded healer in such a very visceral sign? You know for so long, and we've been watching that play out in a lot of different ways, on the collective and on the individual level, mm, hmm, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I think that Ares Chiron opens us up for some truth that's always been there but has been being overlooked for way too long. But and this is a big but as we move into and as we usher in, we're part of the ushering in of the Age of Aquarius. It's not about it happening to us. We're a part of that happening, and I think a major part of that happening is the ability to see, acknowledge and honor the differences that we all have. And Ares can be a little too. My team versus your team. For sure.

Speaker 1:

And so I think that, as we move through Ares and Chiron this cycle, I think that we are given opportunities like this Sagina Moon that bring us this opportunity to be like hey, don't lose that grit, Don't lose that, fight Right. And life's more complex and meant to be more complex than I win you lose. Very, very much so. So, when it comes to Sagittarius in the in the new moon phase, collaborate a little bit for us on what this does look like as the last new moon of the year.

Speaker 2:

I love that this is the last new moon of the year. You know, sagittarius energy is Jupiter ruled. We're talking about expansion, we're talking about growth, we're talking about having faith in being able to grow and having faith in what it is we're doing and where it is we're going and reaching our goals. Right, luck, money, right, Jupiter is notorious for bringing in luck and luck with money and all of that. And so, as it's being the last new moon of the year, new moon in Sagittarius, this is a beautiful, beautiful space for us to really lay down the groundwork for what it is we fucking want, and like, not just what we want, but what we deserve. Right, and saying it out loud and acknowledging it.

Speaker 2:

You know, like, what do you deserve, even if it feels silly? Like, definitely say it, then, because there is this goofy energy that Sagittarius brings and that Jupiter brings as well, where we can also like have fun and be okay with having fun and and not taking ourselves too seriously and letting go of some of the shadow work, even, because I feel like there's this very like serious and dark connotation with shadow work. And what if we did a different twang on it? Right, like, what if the goal was to make 100 K next year. And you're like, oh my God, I barely made 30 K. But what if you just said that was the goal because you deserve it, you know? And then we just let it go, you know, and allow us to build space for what comes in to 2024.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that and you know what image that brought up for me, which is so funny. So I thought about that transition from the classroom energy, from high school academics into college and like the difference between a high school teacher and a lower level education and educator and a higher level educator. So I'm specifically thinking of that energy of high school, like you have to sit in this chair, they're all the in a row and and you're here from this time to this time and you turn this in, and so rigid and structured. Some college professors are like this, but many, if not like most, are just so so many of them. It's this very abstract philosophical approach.

Speaker 2:

I would agree Right. And like so many of them with their sleeves rolled up.

Speaker 1:

They sit on their desk.

Speaker 2:

I had this one professor. He was my anthropology professor. His name was Jeff. Anthropology Perfect example, big ass hat, long ass beard and just he just was just filled with this. I wish I would have gotten his son. I would bet money that he wasn't a query.

Speaker 1:

I know you're going to say that.

Speaker 2:

Five, oh my God. But I totally agree with you that college professor vibe is so much more abstract. I took the words right out of my mouth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah because this still we've. We let we lay back a little bit in college and we trust we put some more trust and responsibility in the students hand. Finally, and we're like right and like, if you really want to be here, you'll show up and you'll do it. I'm not going to chase you, I'm not going to force your hand to the paper Like, if you really want this, you're going to be the one to do it. I think this might be a good attitude to approach your end of year and new year goals with.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God yeah.

Speaker 1:

Where there's intention there, like there's a passion at your college, professors were about their subject.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, I totally agree with you.

Speaker 2:

I think we are getting to a point where it's time to do you know what, where's the goal, where are we going and how are we getting there, instead of just kind of letting things live up in the ethers here. And this speaks to anybody with a goal in mind or something that they have been thinking about doing for a long time, whether it's building the business or buying the house or losing the weight or having the kid or finding love, whatever the fuck it is but like, can we just like take inspired action, steps to do it? And I think if I were to describe Sagittarius and a few words, that would be one who takes inspired action. Then you know, sagittarius is very much a doer. You know a lot like Aries, but in a different way. Sag will make sure that they're doing for a reason where Aries is like let's blow it up, you know, and then he's like hold on, let's light a match first. Yes, so you know, I just think it's time that we really kind of practice what we preach, in a way.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, all of us, absolutely, and I love the imagery that you bring up for Sagittarius being Jupiter ruled end of year. This is very New Year's Eve glam. In so many ways it makes so, so, so much sense. The golds, the metallics, the sparkle and the shine, because all of these things refract light and they do, they make us like light up, it catches our attention. These are the things that inspiration do for us and I think that, when it comes to the shadowy parts, or the shadows that can come up with this new moon, it would be what is dulling that and where are you dulling that for yourself? What are you saying?

Speaker 2:

Where are you blocking your? Blessing.

Speaker 1:

Yes, where are you blocking your blessing? I love that.

Speaker 2:

I mean Jupiter is the planet of blessings, right.

Speaker 1:

I exactly. You know how we're all talking about this empowered no and I'm very much a proponent of an empowered no, and Sag knows how to say no. Yeah, but Sag also says more inspired yeses than probably anybody else in the zodiac.

Speaker 2:

I would agree. I would agree Risk takers for sure, definitely.

Speaker 1:

And where are your noes actually empowered and where are they rooted in fear and insecurity?

Speaker 2:

Seriously, Seriously, I am so done with moving out of fear, and I would say I'm probably somebody who doesn't really move out of fear a whole lot, but there are totally times that I do. And this is what I like to teach, and I think this is what we teach through the work that we do is helping people to get rid of all of this conditioning and all of these limiting beliefs that have been bestowed upon us about how we must move out of fear. I mean God fearing Don't even get me started on the goddamn patriarchy and what it has really done to how we make decisions and choices and how we move in life. What if we just said I'm done with moving out of fear in 2024? Like, if I'm going to say no, it's going to come from an empowered place, not from a place of fear or lack or even desperation. And how drastically different and even more happy could your life be by the end of 2024 if you just made yourself that promise on this new moon in Sagittarius.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly. This is a great time. Like we just did the Scorpio new moon thing, I don't honestly recommend moving into the end of the year from a place of over self-criticism, and I think we're kind of guided and nudged to do that in a lot of ways because of the New Year resolution talk.

Speaker 1:

But what if, instead, this year, when you're reflecting about this past year and moving into next year, what if you ask yourself some inspired questions that evoke these different, new, open-ended responses? Instead of oh well, I meant to do this and I didn't get to do it, like, haven't you done that enough this year?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got really expansive with your own internal full journey, like what happens then, instead of making all these New Year's resolutions. I don't really know how I feel about the resolutions To each his own. I just feel like if you got a goal, boo, you get to the goal. Don't wait till the start of the year to do it.

Speaker 1:

I totally agree. Yes, that's. My only issue is with this hard and fast date it doesn't work. No, it never works, you're talking to people who have changed life-long habits, multiple of them?

Speaker 2:

Hell yes, multiple of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they do not. And, by the way, we both I'm sure you have I've done the on this day, tomorrow, this weekend.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, yeah, we've all made the yeah Tomorrow, it never works.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to start on Monday. If you don't start today, somehow you're not fucking starting tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

And if you fall off the wagon, you just get right back to fuck up Exactly, absolutely, and that's the thing. I love that he brought up that point, though, Like, both of us have broken down life-long fucking habits that we were sick of having, and if anybody is educated enough to speak on this sort of stuff, it is us, and I get the method behind the madness of the New Year's resolution, but I think what we're both saying here is, if you really desire to create change that is effective, it's not about a New Year's resolution, and I think the one thing that has been proven to not work is putting too much on our plates too quickly. Yes, like it just doesn't work. It doesn't work. We want to do all these things and we get irritated with ourselves, but we don't follow through with those things, and it becomes this horrible negative feedback loop on why we're not doing the things, and then we become that horrible critic and we spiral back into what the thing it was that we didn't want to do.

Speaker 2:

I see it all the time. I'm sure you see it all the time. We've experienced it, and so, maybe just on this new year in Sajj, we decided to do things a little differently. We decided to pivot. Sajj is great at pivoting. We pivot.

Speaker 1:

We make steps toward this change and we understand that we're new at it and it's not going to be perfect and we're going to have slipbacks.

Speaker 2:

Exactly this is where the— Let me show ourselves love.

Speaker 1:

Exactly this is where the laid back nature of Sajj comes in. Sajj doesn't get wrapped up in perfectionism and, by the way, that's why they made 10 moves while you were still sitting there criticizing the first move you still haven't made.

Speaker 2:

It's so true. You can't get wrapped up in perfectionism and I get wanting to produce quality. We can produce quality work. We can find quality lovers.

Speaker 1:

We can make quality news. Yes, exactly, yeah, there's still refinement, I agree, right, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

But we can't get wrapped up in it. You'll freeze in the perfectionism, you'll get caught up and then you won't execute because you're looking for something wrong and, honestly, it really comes down to it being fear-based and maybe even a little bit of imposter syndrome. Yeah, you know what if I'm not accepted this way? What if nobody likes me this way? What if it doesn't work this way? What if my mom was right? So you had a toxic mother who always called you shit. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

All of these weird things start coming in, and then you just don't make a move. Exactly that's not what we wanna do here.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, instead of I made this or looking back and I did that wrong. I shouldn't have done that, or I should have done this. X, y or Z. Sajj will reflect on what can be improved and say okay, I'm gonna do that next time.

Speaker 1:

It has nothing to do with harping on and consuming ourselves and dwelling in the past of the mistake itself, and this is why I think Sajj is. This is where that flaming arrow comes in for me big time, because the arrow doesn't have time to like stop and turn around and obsess over where it came from and how it got there.

Speaker 1:

No it's just gonna keep going. It doesn't worry so much about the path so much as it does about I don't know, but this is where the guiding flame is going Right right. And so that's where I'm following exactly. I think that this is a really, really for a new moon, right this dark period of the lunar phase. I think that we're about to enter into winter solstice, we're about to enter into the dark part of the year.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we are.

Speaker 1:

Let the new moon.

Speaker 2:

How's your mama gonna go?

Speaker 1:

sleep, yeah, and this is a much needed time for some rest, some introspection, some inner work, and when I say inner work, I mean literally doing the work that is done, that no one sees, not just the inner picking and criticism because, again, I'm talking about like what you and I were talking about before the show. We were talking about being deep in the belly of creation. Creation.

Speaker 1:

And this is a very Sagittarian concept when it's time to sag balances, I think beautifully between interacting and connecting with others and knowing when there is work that needs to be done. And it does that solo part of that work very, very much so I think that there's a lot of light to be tapped into, honestly, during this new moon.

Speaker 2:

I mean Sag is a lighthearted sign. I always say that Santa Claus was a Sag. Like, if Santa Claus were a real boy, I think Santa Claus would be a Sag. Sometimes we can't like, we just have to laugh. Yes, we can't get caught up in, like, the nuances of this, that and that. There we have to find the fun, we have to find the light energy, we have to find the balance and get rid of that inner critic and I think Sag season is here to do that.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason why Sag season comes after Scorpio season, right, yeah, you know we're in this dark thing, and before cap, the light in the moon Right and before cap, and then after that, like cap, brings us into this new year Exactly According to our calendar. But you know what I mean. And so there's a reason why the astrological wheel is made the way that it is Yep, and I think that's important to highlight, as we've got baby astrologers and baby which is really learning astrology that there's a reason why Sag is where Sag is and sandwiched in between this very hard working goat in this very dark, ethereal scorpion, right, there's a reason why we have to find some light amidst all that somewhat rigid energy. I mean one can argue that Scorpio and cap are both kind of on the rigid side.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very safe argument.

Speaker 2:

Yes, 100% valid. Yeah, you know what I mean. Yes, you kind of have to lighten the mood a little bit, yes, so how can you lighten the mood a little bit when it comes to your goals and creation and coming into next year and all of that?

Speaker 1:

I love this because the next day Mercury stations retrograde in cap, but we'll go back into Sag and this is the beautiful cosmic sense of humor of astrology Stations direct on the first of the calendar year, on January 1st. Obviously, we'll still be in post-retro shade after that for a couple of weeks, but I love the conversation that we're having, specifically because I think that there is already this predisposition to excessive criticism and perfectionism which, by the way, is setting you up for failure. Yeah, and then we're gonna go into retrograde and I could see a lot of people who are already burning the candle at both ends and just harping and harping and harping on themselves go into a retrograde period with that, just like the steam's about to blow.

Speaker 1:

The steam's about to blow and the retrograde pushed them over the edge and instead this is what I love about shadow chats and what I love about astrology and talking about this and looking at the transits, because what if, instead, you go into mercury retrograde at the end of the year and know, all right, I need to not take myself so fucking seriously these last couple?

Speaker 2:

of weeks. I gotta chill the fuck out. I gotta laugh when my tech is acting like a fucking nut. Thank you, yeah, which my tech is already starting to but part of it is because of how we're doing it.

Speaker 1:

We're already getting little flare ups.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, for sure, we're definitely getting the flare ups and I think that this particular mercury retrograde because again, it will start in Capricorn but dip back into mercury in Sagittarius during the cycle. I really do think that this is a time to when you worked really hard on that post or that course or that program that you put out and you see this big fat typo in there or something got fucked up with the zoom link and you feel like I can't believe this is happening. This is so embarrassing. I think this is an opportunity to look around and go like but did we die? No, we got through. We got through a mile. Every single mistake is a milestone in your life and you posted it Exactly.

Speaker 2:

I just sometimes want to shake people because it's all about a perspective. That was the point yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you pressed post and for a lot of people who are working on visibility and stuff, that's a big fucking deal to even press post. Honor that, honor yourself right there. I've had tons of typos in my shit. Am I happy about it? No, like your girls and masters agree, what the fuck? But you get over it. It is what it is. You get over it Exactly. It's so true. You get over it. The medicine that was intended to be delivered is still delivered, and if somebody is calling you out for a typo, they didn't understand the assignment because they're focused on the typo and not the medicine that you were trying to give.

Speaker 1:

Yes. You know, there's a difference between somebody who genuinely didn't give a shit about their work and it shows in their work.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and normal common human error mistakes Exactly, or just phone error mistakes, you know how people phone like do your shit Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it happens. Ok. So my most common one and I did finally do this during a Mercury Retrograde once One of my most common and also my biggest worst nightmare is when I'm saying in one sec I saw that a sec ago you type sex on accident Like right. And my biggest please don't send that to the wrong person. Please don't Anyone but an awkward person, and I'm pretty sure it was my mother-in-law and I was like nah.

Speaker 2:

But you, not anyone, but an awkward person.

Speaker 1:

Meaning the relationship to send that. I was like, oh great of all people that I sent that to Right, of course, exactly, yes, oh my god. I really do think that if we're honest with ourselves, our fears of like really micro, silly, minor things like that add up into these walls that we build, I would agree and we live behind them for a long, long time, and this is one of those signs that gets us to like what's the phrase? It's about the journey, not the destination. You know what I mean? Uh-huh, that's exactly it.

Speaker 2:

Like Abram Hicks loves talking about that and you know it feels super cliche, but it really is true. It really is true, like looking back on the journey of everything that you can accomplish when you really put your mind to something. There's something so goddamn gratifying about that. The destination is cool, but the journey to get there and the person that you become, like you literally morph into who you are, becoming that person that you dreamt about being. When you're creating that person, it's like bitch, I'm her Like. When did that happen?

Speaker 1:

Yes, you know Exactly.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I just think is so freaking rewarding and what I want everybody to feel. So let's make some goddamn goals and let's get there.

Speaker 1:

Let's make some goals, let's get there. Let's be kind not only to ourselves but each other in those little mistakes and things like that. Yes, Especially to one another.

Speaker 2:

I agree. I agree More love, more love, more love, more love, more love, more love, more love. Yeah, there's so much hate in the world that it really is on us. Anybody listening to this podcast, I would consider you a spiritual individual. I think the spiritual community has more on our shoulders than we realize when it comes to spreading love. Yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Where can you show up in solidarity for somebody today? Mm-hmm, Like one of my favorite things to do that I recommend to all of my clients. Like this is when I was starting and Ashley and I have talked about this when I was starting out in business. And for those of you who are like in the middle of building a social following from scratch, and how fucking hard that work is and how diligent you have to be about engagement and posting, oh, my God.

Speaker 1:

Your engagement is not very high, but you're constantly surrounded by people with super high engagement and all this stuff. When you come across people just trying and putting their shit out there and it doesn't have that many likes on it, or they post something to their story with a little slider or a button for you to fucking tap on or whatever, tap on the fucking button. Just tap the button. Tap the stupid button. Tap the button. It's $0 for your thumb to tap the fucking button. Save it. Do you know what I have? This is my biggest Sagittarius tip that I'll leave everybody with.

Speaker 1:

I have a whole board on my Instagram called Support. I have it on both my accounts my personal secret hidden cave account. I hate public account. I know about it. Yeah, A very small portion of the world does. It's hilarious On both of those.

Speaker 1:

I know it's the most Scorpio thing ever I know. I actually didn't even know. I was like, by the way, I followed you on my personal account. She's like I didn't even know you had them Like, yeah, Literally. Oh, it's so funny. So I have a board on both of them called Support and it's not in a mean way, but it's where I put stuff that I have no intention of ever going and looking at ever again. It has nothing to do with that, but it's someone who I like their content, who is working hard and doing their best and could use the fucking save for their outing. I love that. I just tapped the little bookmark button and when it says what board do you want to save this to, I put it on the Support board so that it all clogs up and not one board, and then I have other little places where I save things. But this is share somebody's post to your stories and give them a shout out. Leave a comment.

Speaker 2:

Sharing, saves and comments mean way more than a double tap friends, way more.

Speaker 1:

They really do Way more. And this is if we all, especially as spiritual entrepreneurs, just did this for each other, each of us, like a handful of times a day, do you know how helpful that would be, how much that would ripple out.

Speaker 2:

You know how many people would find our work that fucking needed that. Have been waiting for it Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Show a little fucking solidarity. Be somebody's cheerleader instead of their fucking critique this week.

Speaker 2:

And if you do find yourself critiquing people are, often you must ask yourself why. And negative, nancy's, I'm talking to you. If you find yourself in a space because we all know that person, or you are that person where you are constantly critiquing, whether it's somebody on the TV, somebody online, your partner, even where you just are always nitpicking or looking at the bad, what is happening inside New moon, in Sagittarius, go in where Sag is known as the deep thinker, right, very, very deep thinker, the philosopher. You know, if you are in that sort of headspace, ask yourself some of those hard questions about what is going on and why you feel they need to do that, and that's, that's some real talk.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, absolutely. If the judgments and the projections are lashing out right now, that in and of itself is something calling out to you, within you, to be looked at.

Speaker 2:

Even if you're not saying them out loud, but they're in your head.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Especially the harsher they are the harsher they are, and on the most unfounded grounds. And y'all, I'm not above this. I go into these. I go into these cycles myself where I know this and I'm like what am I? What exactly is bothering me to this level about this thing?

Speaker 2:

Exactly. I had to have these hard conversations with myself too, like what is bothering me to this level about this thing, this person, this event, whatever it is. Why am I so fucking perturbed right now? Yes, and that is where the work is, you know, that's where the work is.

Speaker 1:

That's what shadow work is Most people are like I still don't understand what it is. I still don't understand what. I'm supposed to do and I'm like it's not about that, it's not about a doing and a step by step and a ritual. I mean you can do all those things. You can do that. Honestly, what it is is it's the practice of self reflection and it takes practice. It doesn't come to you naturally. Ashley and I had to build this habit to stop and pause.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, fucking years because, our brain is hardwired not to look at those things, because it could stay comfortable. It doesn't want to make more narrow pathways, and so we stay doing the same thing over and over and over again, because it's easy and it's comfortable.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, exactly what you said, exactly.

Speaker 1:

But the practice of most people hate that. My advice to 90% of situations is did you pause, did you take a deep breath, did you cleanse your energy and ground for a second before?

Speaker 2:

you said anything Before you reacted or responded?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know that's not the sexy answer I get, that. I understand that's not the flashy shortcut either, but I do promise you that doing that that's what builds up into accountability and that, ultimately, is how you're able to affect change in your life and how you are able to manifest your goals.

Speaker 1:

It really is. It's little, teeny, tiny micro decisions and behaviors like that. Instead of doing the same thing I've always done, I'm going to stop, because I've been complaining lately about how I do this all the time and how I'm tired of doing this all the time, so maybe this one time I'm not going to fucking do that thing and then sit here for a second and think about it. Then do it again after that if you want, but at least take the step to stop and think about it.

Speaker 2:

That's really what it is, because creating new neural pathways does take time. So you may stop and think about the action, but still do the action for a hot minute before you change the action. Agreed. But at least now you're stopping and you're thinking about the action Exactly, and that's where change really comes into play.

Speaker 1:

It's so true. It's so true. Read a million different self-help habit change books. They're going to talk to you about mindfulness practices. Little teeny, tiny exercises that just get you out of the cycle and looking at things different, and this is quintessential, sagittarius being that philosopher, higher education, traveler to new distances, new horizons. We don't get to any of those things by doing the same thing over and over and over again?

Speaker 2:

Oh hell, no, not even a little bit. We got to change it up, we got to do shit that scares us.

Speaker 1:

So true, this was such a good inspiring one, but I feel like, with really good concrete tips here.

Speaker 2:

I think so too. I think so too. At the end of the day, what I love to always say is my success is your success, your success is mine. We really are mirrors of one another, so the more of us that are living our best lives, the better for the collective as a whole. Exactly that's what's true. That is what is fundamentally true. The more of us that are happy, the better.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, it really does radiate out. It really does do it for like two weeks and you'll already see it start to ripple out. The proof will be there every single time. So true, I know, ash before we go great, great, great convo, very inspiring today. Where can everyone find you, follow you, support you? When is our next Astrology After Dark episode?

Speaker 2:

Yes, astrology After Dark has been so fucking fun. I know Y'all have not listened. Go listen to it. It's been so fun. Our next victim for Astrology After Dark I'm at as well, and now, since we're talking about it here, we're going to do Jim Carrey guys and, if you know Thanks for the suggestion, by the way. Yes, yes, we got that suggestion and keep them coming.

Speaker 2:

Yes, please keep them coming, please do. Jim Carrey has touched all over her, especially us millennials. I think we all kind of grew up on Jim Carrey in some way shape or form, and he's super spiritual guy with a lot to say. What's so funny is like my life right now is kind of like the Truman Show. I just put that together. That's weird.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. And what's funny is while we were talking earlier, I almost brought up the example of the movie yes man from-.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like not saying no all the time.

Speaker 1:

which is so funny, Jim Carrey's spirit's already with us.

Speaker 2:

Jim Carrey is here. He is here and ready to play, as you may or may not know, the last day of the month, so New Year's Eve, that episode will be dropping for you guys. You can find me on Instagram at Ashley Michelle 90 Day. Tiktok. Starseed Shadows. The Goddess Complex is my podcast. We're going to figure out this whole name situation. Guys, just hanging out with me for a little bit while we figure it out? Okay, that's where you can find me and yeah, make sure you're on Ashley's email list.

Speaker 1:

It's an excellent place to be, really to stay up to date, no matter what. Apply to work with her. Jump in on her next program. Like the email list is an excellent, excellent place to be.

Speaker 2:

That's the spot to be. I'll make sure that the link is in your show notes. But yeah, get on the email list. We always drop nuggets of love over there, so absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I love your email list.

Speaker 2:

It's a good one. Thank you, I appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

That's another thing. My friends, I subscribe to their emails and I open them. It helps. I open my friend's emails too.

Speaker 2:

The click rates. The click rates help. We need those click rates honey.

Speaker 1:

I love this SAJ magic coming through. Saj medicine so good Thanks for being here today, Ash. This was so needed. This was a needed one.

Speaker 1:

It was needed for us to talk about, and I can definitely tell us what everyone needs to hear right now too. Neighbor, thank you for spending your day with us and your time. We appreciate it today and every day. I hope that all of you have a beautiful weekend and absolutely amazing Sagittarius new moon. Make sure that, of course, you stay safe, let yourself have some fucking fun and stay magical. Did you get something valuable out of today's show? Here's how you can help continue to grow our magic. First, you can head over to Apple or Spotify and leave a five star rating in review. You can also share a shout out on your social media page and make sure you tag me at that witchnextdoor. And, of course, you can just tell a friend that you think would enjoy the show and send them a link to the episode. Thank you so much, neighbor, for your support. I'll see you next time.

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